Delicious mini yeast buns with a creamy custard sauce for your kids to enjoy as a perfect treat. (dukátové buchtičky,
What are “Dukatove Buchticky” actually?
According to some websites the precise translation of “Dukátové Buchtičky” or “Buchtičky s šodó” is mini yeast buns with custard.
In Slovakia and Czechia, the buns were originally served with “šodó”, a foam made from wine and eggs. Later on, the foam was replaced by vanilla custard based on milk so it could meet the school canteen criteria. Thanks to this step, the dish became extremely popular among kids 🙂
Besides Slovakia and Czechia, you can find a very similar dish in Bavaria, France, UK and Italy where it is served with zabaglione sauce. (the sauce is based on egg yolks, sugar,
1 portion of the buns with vanilla milk custard contains approx. 167kcal, 3,8g of protein, 5,6g of fat and around 25g of carbs.
And how the tradition looks today?
To be very honest I do not know a person which is still making “dukátové buchtičky” at home. People rather buy them in grocery store frozen or pre-baked. They come home unpack them from fancy plastic package and pour over with a custard which has never seen real milk or vanilla.
And this is a big shame. Not only that people forget how to make them but also the original recipes disappear from our cultures.
Therefore my aim here is not only to give you a story and photos but also to share one of the very best recipes. Please share it with your friends, families and the world so the dishes like this one will survive for longer 🙂