Papal cream cake or kremowka is one of the best Polish desserts ever. Once you try them you will not be able to stop eating them. And btw, the other great Polish dessert is Faworki. It is definitely worth to try.
And why the name papal cream cake?
According to Wikipedia, it all started back in 1999 when the pope John Paul II talked about his more favorite dessert. The one he ate as a kid in his hometown Wadowice. Yes, you guessed it right, it was the famous cream cake. (actually, that time it was called only –
Since then Polish people started to call it the papal –
What is the papal cream cake?
It is a Polish dessert made from French puff pastry and vanilla cream filling.
Other versions of the cake are made with whipped cream, vanilla custard, meringue filling or double cream filling. The cake is usually generously sprinkled with powdered sugar and sometimes poured over with sugar icing.
I actually love the version with two layers. It is a combination of the vanilla cream spiced up with a shot of Amaretto (the almond liquor) and the whipped cream.
And if you want to make them just check the recipe below.