Pork loin belongs to very popular dishes in Poland. And I am not surprised why. The recipes are simple, doesn’t require any super cooking skills and they are really delicious.
Like this one.
Ok, in case you want to make the flavours to really stand out, I recommend to marinate the meat for few hours or in the best case overnight.
The marinate will give the meat a nice touch of spices and the prunes will soften it from the inside.
And how you can prepare it at home?

How to make the pork loin filled with dried prunes?
First of all you will need a nice cut of pork loin, dried prunes, some spices and a glass baking tray with a lid.
I recommend this one:
Pyrex 4937387 Essentials szklany prostokątny garnek wysoka odporność 4,3 l
Once the meat is ready you can serve with it a side dish of your choice. I strongly recommend either a cooked buckwheat or potatoes.
Enjoy 🙂