Before you start judging me for the name of this recipe (Easy 6 ingredients crunchy Zucchini and Potato Fritters to enjoy with your family on weekends while watching Crocodile Dundee), you should understand the whole story first 🙂

In 1993 Czechoslovakia got separated and two free countries (Czechia and the Slovak Republic) were born. Besides the huge change in politics and economics, there was one more thing which has significantly changed. The TV 🙂
The first commercial (but still foreign) TV stations started to broadcast in Slovakia and people could finally watch movies freely. Before you could only rent a movie on a VHS tape (the rental was for 48 hours and it cost a fortune) and watch it with without dubbing or subtitles. Of course, this was possible only if you were lucky and rich enough to own a VHS tape player 🙂
The big TV boom.
But then, in 1996 the first Slovak commercial TV station called “Markíza” was established. At, the beginning, the station was showing only “in-home” filmed comedy shows, parodies and traditional Slovak old movies and cartoons. Later on, they have launched a “Megamovie” afternoons on weekends. And then the whole fun started. 🙂 Movies like Home Alone, The last action hero, Lion King, Neverending story and Crocodile Dundee quickly became favorites. 🙂
That time I was like 12 years old and there were only a few things which I loved to do on weekends. Doing sports, watching movies (especially Crocodile Dundee, Alf, and Step by step) and eating my mum’s Zucchini and Potato Fritters:) I just loved it all 🙂
I still remember very clearly that I was eating them hot, only a few seconds after they were taken out from the pan. And you know what? I am actually still eating them the same way – very hot almost straight from the pan 🙂
A lot of things have changed since then but one thing stayed the same, the recipe! So if you want to go back in time and feel what I have felt when I was a kid, I strongly recommend my zucchini and potato fritters 🙂

PS: And if you want to enjoy them even more put some 90’s movie on 🙂
Easy 6 ingredients crunchy Zucchini and Potato Fritters.